Aquarius horoscope for week of february 9 2021

A defensive approach is advised. Instead of starting new projects, it is better to concentrate on holding onto what you already have. January 10 to 26 — Jupiter square Uranus on the 17th to bring sudden change and excitement. Big opportunities could be close at hand. However, impatience and a strong urge to break free of restrictions could lead to unwanted disruption and unintended consequences. So proceed with moderation and caution.

Aquarius, Your 2021 Horoscope Urges You To Put Yourself First

January 15 to 24 — Mars conjunct Uranus on the 20th gives a strong urge for change, freedom, and excitement. However, a tendency to act spontaneously or erratically can cause unwanted surprises that upset your life. Risk-taking is not the best option. Follow one particular goal with self-control. January 18 to 30 — Sun in your decan makes it easier to be yourself. Your birthday puts the focus on you and your goals for the year ahead. So draw a line under the previous year and make a fresh start. Extra energy, vitality, and initiative are best used to express what you want, what your goals are, and getting started.

January 21 to 26 — Sun conjunct Saturn on the 23rd is a serious time when hard work, discipline, and patience are needed to attend to your duties and obligations. Achievements, recognition, and promotion are possible. But so are sadness, isolation, restriction, and hardship, depending on how diligent and responsible you have been over the last year. January 24 to 28 — Sun square Uranus on the 26th gives a strong need for independence.

February 9 Birthday Horoscope 2020-2021

It brings unexpected change, uncertainty, and anxiety. Open-mindedness, adaptability, and flexibility will reduce the risk of abruptness and erratic behavior. Be proactive about positive change but avoid taking unnecessary risks.

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January 26 to 31 — Sun conjunct Jupiter on the 28th brings happiness, optimism, and generosity. Good luck provides opportunities for personal, professional, and spiritual growth. You may be the beneficiary of compliments, gifts, or money. This is an excellent time for relationships, investments, new studies, or long-distance travel.

January 28 to February 11 — Full Moon January opposite your decan increases your desire or need to accomplish great things and succeed. But different areas of your life may not be working in the same direction. You may become emotionally sensitive. The key to success is compromise and cooperation.

January 13 to February 11 — New Moon January may expose a deep-seated problem that will take time and effort to adapt to. It brings the potential for sudden change, tension, frustration, and inhibition. The passion and intensity will reach new heights by mid-July, when Venus and Mars dance in your seventh house of partnerships.

Saturn and Jupiter will move through your first house of the self, rebuilding your identity, and Jupiter will take a brief tour through your second house of finances from May to July, attracting abundance and disposable income. When Mercury retrogrades in your first house from January to February, however, you may feel disoriented and disconnected. Let spontaneity and adventure fuel your projects from September to October, when Mars in your expansive ninth house connects with Saturn and Jupiter. Later, friction and instability will rock your career during November, when Mars in your ambitious tenth house opposes Uranus.

Make no mistake— is going to be a ton of work. In fact, you might come out of it feeling like a completely different person. Saturn and Jupiter are reshaping your very persona and putting you through one obstacle after another, strengthening your confidence in the long run. You will receive an abundance of enlightened inspiration to power through all your challenges.

You are moving onto bigger and better things. Messages will come in mysterious and obscure ways. People who believe they can find solutions to your problems sometimes get rather adamant about it.

Your Horoscope for the Week of February 9th

No matter how vociferously you try to explain your case, they remain incapable of respecting your ideas. Ranting and raving won't make a scintilla of difference — not even a modicum. You can turn a blind eye to their condescension but that won't help. The best way to get your point across is to be firm. The Saturn-Uranus alignment this year is a wake up call. You'll find that you won't be able to suffer fools gladly any longer.

Monthly Astro Calendar February , Astrology Horoscope Calendar Online |

If a revolution is called for, then you're the one to lead it. You are due to receive much needed support. Go ahead and allow yourself to feel confident. Envisage a future in which you have overcome your temporary difficulty. When we are brave enough to face the unknown and take a chance on following the calling of our heart, we inevitably place ourselves in a precarious position. Your feelings of vulnerability are quite natural due to celestial circumstances. The Saturn-Uranus alignment this year will teach you to trust your entitlement to success.

February 9 - Birthday Horoscope Personality

Do remind yourself of how you managed to achieve miracles in the past. There is no reason to think you won't do it again. Trouble comes in many shapes and sizes. Just as you finish conquering a major challenge one day, another problem emerges to take its place the next. There is a chance to fix a certain problem once and for all.

Horoscopes by Jamie Partridge

A particularly irritating dilemma you are dealing with can and will get resolved faster than you think. Experience has made you wiser, more innovative and highly resilient.

You will find, if you really give your intuition a chance to guide you now, that it will come through with the goods. The Saturn-Uranus alignment this year will lead you down the path to get where you want to be. You must be prepared in life to experience the light with the dark, the difficult with the easy, the stressful with the wonderful. Stand back and look at it all from an objective point of view. Life may be intense, but that's what makes it worth living.

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That's what fuels you with the passion to carry on. The Saturn-Uranus alignment this year will encourage you to hang in there and prove your mettle. Your dilemma has been tough and challenging, but your difficulties look set to diminish. Trust the emergence of a bolder and more self-assured side in your character. The sky is setting you on a path you had long abandoned all hope of pursuing.