February 20 numerology

Pull it out and dive in! February's energy is aligned closely with self-inquiry and personal growth. So push those deadlines back a week or two, to give yourself a little more time to maximize what this numerology has to offer. Self-inquiry means just that — looking inside yourself for the answers to the big questions, and getting to know yourself on a deeper level. This isn't something normally encouraged by our modern world, which wants us to consume, consume, consume.

But if you can begin to release your need for stimulation and entertainment, then this is a great start. And this numerology makes it easier. The 7 is all about deeper meaning. So you may also find that things you were interested in before seem to lose their appeal.

Or activities you did previously, now feel like a drain on your time and resources. Use these feelings and instincts as the guidance system that they are!


Combine this with your personal month number for a more in-depth and aligned personal prediction. To calculate your personal month number, you'll need to add your personal year number to the current month number for February, that's always 2 - and not the Universal Month number we've just described! Then reduce this to a single digit, and look it up below to read your numerology forecast for the month ahead.

Now, you have it, simply add your Personal year Number to the current Month Number which for February is 2 and voila! You have calculated your Personal Month Number! For her February is a 3 Personal Month. If last month felt like things were slipping through your fingers, you're not wrong — the 9 was urging you to let go. Yet here, the number 1 brings new beginnings, with a fresh surge of creative energy through your life… So be ready to channel it wisely! You'll likely be buzzing with new ideas and inspiration over the next four weeks, so be sure to write them all down.

You won't be able to start every new venture that springs to mind, so be sure to use a little strategy, to sort out your priorities. The monthly list is likely to be endless for you!

Numerological Personality Traits of People Born on February 20th

You're inspired! Yet unless you target that number 1 energy into one, or two clear goals, you may end up starting twenty projects and having to pick up the pieces later. Be warned…. Be sure to get enough exercise too. The 1 offers an abundance of energy, so some high-octane sports or team games could be the order of the day.

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During this monthly cycle, your gaze will fall to the direction of your friends and family. After the creative and self-focused energy of last month's number 1, it's time to think about how your actions are impacting others. This can also be framed as what you're NOT doing — so if you've been neglecting to call your mum, for example, then pick up that phone! Connection is everything over the next 28 days. This energy of the 2 is also highly cooperative and balanced. This is a great month for investing in teamwork — projects that involve others, or in which you take on a supporting role are sure to flourish.

SO look out for circumstances to come to the assistance of others. What skills do you have to offer to the collective? This numerology also tends to be highly intuitive. This means that your sixth sense will be heightened over the next four weeks, so if you have a gut feeling about something or someone, don't ignore it. Intuition is one thing, yet acting upon it is quite another. You are being called on to be brave — to deepen your connection to your wiser, higher self.

You may not know where it's leading you, but trust is part of the game. Whether or not you identify with the word, you're being called to weave creativity into every day. Creativity doesn't need to mean paintbrushes or experimental dance!

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  2. February 20 Birthdays.
  3. Lucky color.
  4. Monday February 20, 1967.
  5. You could just as easily get creative in the kitchen, the boardroom Your self-expression will be welcomed in the world this month. Break away from the norm, from expectations, and ordinary circumstances and you may be surprised how great the reception is by others — because the truth is, this month we're all looking for inspiration.

    And YOU are it! Don't worry if you can't seem to tackle any of the serious "adulting" this month. Numerologists know that the 3 is the number of the child, so its energy is light-hearted, curious and care-free. You actually be a lot more productive, if you follow your joy and do things which make you smile. Counterintuitive, yes. But true, all the same. This isn't a great month for you to make any commitments in the love department.

    Yet for more carefree meet-ups and flirting galore, this energy couldn't be more perfect! Just be sure everyone involved knows where you stand… Not that you'll find speaking your mind difficult this month! There's work to be done you know what we mean! Well, perhaps not a breeze, but hard work and persistent effort are likely to come easy to you this month. As the number of practical action, this is a great time for you to knuckle down and make some real changes in your life.

    Usually, this pertains to the daily routine, health, and work. There may be restructuring at work. Or if you're self-employed, then this could be a good month to implement some systems to automate or make things run more smoothly.

    February 20 numerology Archives - The Public

    The numerology of the 4 also favors family and community. This may look like favors being called in, or resources pooled. Be prepared to give. This is a generous number — so you may also be asked for advice or mentoring. Be aware that allegiances formed this month are likely to last a long time! So what you put in, you will see returned! Of all the monthly cycles, this one tends to make us feel a little restless, so you may find yourself looking for an escape in TV, books, alcohol, or actual travel, for eg. There is little wrong with this if you recognize it for what it is, and don't slip into self-sabotaging behavior.

    The Value of the lines of Pythagoras

    Instead, can you pinpoint any latent dissatisfaction in your life? They tend to have a positive and You can ask my brother and he'll say thats the truth. Pisces :. Pisceans are friendly and likable, and yet can be very moody and introspective as well.