Next weeks scorpio horoscope

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You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. You're ready to roll the dice and commit to a direction. The week begins on Sunday, December 20, with the sun at the last degree of Sagittarius making a conjunction to Mercury in your house of money.

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A financial rule you have for yourself may not be working. Perhaps you've been too cavalier with your money, or you just realized that by taking care of your cash, you could have so much more of it.

Election Week Scorpio 2nd November Weekly Horoscope 2020

Today, you could shift yourself toward prosperity. These powerful planets cross an angle in your chart, which could signal big changes on the horizon. In the next few months, you could be moving because of a job opportunity or because of a relationship. You could change careers. You could go from single to married. And because you are so much more adaptable than you were a year ago, you're going to do just fine.

Venus in Sagittarius makes a semi-square to Pluto in your house of contracts on Tuesday, December Many Scorpios will be focused on eliminating nonessentials from their monthly budget, so you may spend the first days of the week planning ahead for and expenses and investments.

Scorpio - Astrolutely

If you want forehead kisses, ask for them, or indulge in movies or TV shows where you feel that type of energy being transmitted. With Venus, the Planet of Magnetism, currently in our sign until December 15th, what we want can come to us with greater ease if we have the courage to own up and ask the Universe, and our ancestors for it. The Universe truly wants to gift you blessings. You are your primary lover. Thanks for the support, and good luck!! Your season leveled you up big time, and this week gives you the chance to let your internal growth shine more outwardly for everyone to see. Despite feeling bigger, bolder, and more yourself than ever, it can be difficult to predict how others will react to the new you out of fear of being misunderstood.

Prepare to feel more empowered within yourself and your relationships this week, particularly as you let down your guard with people who reciprocate that energy. You may find that your relationships experience sudden shifts in vibration this week. Perhaps someone you thought was over you will suddenly resurface, letting you know they just needed time to process what they were feeling. Alternatively you may be the one ready to rekindle or end a relationship this week.

Take time to meditate on the options before making decisions, because the Gemini eclipse can lead to feelings of indecision. The Aries Moon Tuesday — Thursday gives you the confidence to take all those affirmative words and actively make money moves happen. Near the end of the work week, the Moon in Taurus will help you better hear your intuitive callings, so you may decide to leave yourself a voice note and simply talk to yourself as if it were a therapy sesh.

Scorpio next week horoscope

This is the week for letting out all the feels that have been wanting to be explored, no matter how messy or complicated. The bigger you allow yourself to dream, the better. Once Neptune shifts direct on Saturday, you may be in the mood to give yourself a makeover or try a new hairstyle. This is a great time for saying yes to phone or video dates, or safe one-on-one encounters. Happy New Moon Scorpio! This is your week for shooting your shot, leaving behind unhealthy habits, and taking more risks romantically, financially and professionally. Use these powers wisely. Some Scorpios may be in the process of releasing any denial regarding the state of a connection that they may have overly idealized or fantasized about.

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  6. Weekly Forecasts | ScorpioMystique.

The choice is yours, and it may not be super simple to make, so if you need time to think, journal, vent, debrief or make art about it, take all the time you need. This week if you feel inspired to write or speak about something near to your heart, please tap into this cosmic motivation.

During Mars retrograde you had so many visions and ideas of what was possible for you, but it may have felt like there was always one foot on the brakes, and it was challenging to get things moving. Your rewards are literally right around the corner, and the New Moon in Scorpio will amplify the speed and potency of its delivery. See what the stars have in store for you for the rest of November. While this can make your relationships quite exciting, they can also feel destabilizing.

Make a playlist with songs that describe the ideal relationship if any at all , you hope to cultivate in the near future. What types of dates would you go on? What gifts would you give each other? When you get in arguments, how would you resolve your conflicts? How transparent and honest are you able to consistently be with each other? Once Venus enters Scorpio on Sunday, get ready for several weeks of pronounced attention romantically and platonically. The Sun may be shifting into Sagittarius by the end of the week, but the energy of Scorpio Season is truly only getting started, because Venus in Scorpio will keep the party going, and keep the clothes falling.

Watch my visual for Love Mantra if you need help manifesting the partner s of your dreams.