Geminis planet astrology

Gemini can use the various energies of Mercury to enhance life.

Mercury imbues an analytical mind to the Twins. Gemini is constantly evaluating and assessing all things and people around them. Mercury is the swift communicator and Gemini is ruled by the air element. The air element is also associated with communication. Both the air element and Mercury give Gemini a strong and driving need for all forms of communication. Gemini has a flowing nature like its air sign. This allows the Twins to take advantage of Mercury's adaptability.

These energies provide the Twins with coping life skills.

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Gemini is able to adjust and adapt to almost any situation or circumstance, and Mercury can make this a powerful skill. Gemini can use the energies bestowed by Mercury's influence to choose a career that capitalizes on communication skills. Geminis can direct their amazing analytical acumen toward a scientific career or other position that requires keen logic. It isn't surprising Geminis can be found in media jobs, such as a journalist, writer or other communication arena.

This zodiac sign has an innate need to share news and information.

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Public relations PR , marketing, advertising, teaching, and scientists are just some of the other careers Geminis enjoy. A Gemini child is very energetic and inquisitive. This child has a vivid imagination and enjoys all kinds of storytelling. The main issues that parents face in raising a Gemini child is finding ways to keep this young mind engaged, stimulated and challenged.

A Gemini child is very talkative and is rarely quiet. Gemini parents aren't surprised by a recurring comment on their child's report card, "Talks too much! Gemini isn't as emotional as some zodiac signs and leans more toward intellectual expressions. When it comes to love and romance , Gemini usually is a friend before they become a lover.

10 Personality Traits Of The Misunderstood Gemini

The photo or the planet's personality is the same no matter what, but it takes on a different vibe depending on what filter you put on it or what zodiac sign it's transiting through. That said, certain planets feel more or less at home in different zodiac signs, depending on the sign, and each of them has what's called a domicile, or a "home" sign where they feel most themselves and get their jobs done with ease.

Your Ruling Planet Says More About You Than Zodiac Sign

A planet's domicile coincides with the sign of the zodiac that they have rulership over — and every zodiac sign is ruled by a single planet. For example, your Moon may be in Pisces, but the sign that the Moon naturally rules over is Cancer. If you have any of your birth chart planets in their natural signs of rulership, you can expect to see their influence in your life even more intensely. It makes perfect sense that red-hot planet Mars would rule over feisty Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. Mars symbolizes passion, aggression, ambition, and animal instinct, so paired with a cardinal fire sign like Aries, its power becomes basically unstoppable.

Aries is known for its boundless energy and its zealous leadership skills, so Mars is able to step into its true warrior spirit and charge forward within this sign.

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Venus is the planet of love, but it also rules over things like luxury, pleasure, and value. This makes it feel right at home in the realm of the decadent sign of Taurus. Taurus is an earth sign, meaning its focus is on material things and sensory experiences — and in Taurus, Venus is at its most opulent.

Gemini Horoscope 2021: What the Stars Predict for You This Year

Gemini is chatty, social, and intellectual — just like its ruling planet Mercury, the planet of communication and thinking. In Gemini, Mercury gets to be its most articulate self. Gemini's ever-curious and inquisitive nature jives beautifully with Mercury's knack for sharing information and learning new things. As a thought-driven air sign, Gemini is both quick-thinking and quick-witted, which is surely thanks to the influence of its ruling planet.

The Moon is the planet that governs our emotions, our feelings, and the things that make us feel comforted — and the Moon in astrology is associated with water sign Cancer, symbolized by the tide-dwelling crab. Cancer is the most maternal, empathic, and nurturing sign of the zodiac, and it allows the Moon's intuitive nature to fully shine.

About Gemini the Twins: Astrology/Zodiac

Because Cancer energy is so gentle and sensitive, the Moon can be vulnerable here — and if you're a Cancer, you have the Moon to thank for keeping you in touch with your emotions and everyone else's, too. Leos are unofficial zodiac royalty, so of course they're ruled by the planet that's at the center of our solar system: The Sun. Just like its ruling planet, Leo loves to be the center of attention. It brings a Sun-like warmth, positivity, and radiance to everything it touches. The Sun is the planet of creative energy, spirit, and vitality, which of course, Leo has in spades — so if you're a Leo, you have the Sun to thank for your endless supply of confidence.

Mercury has a lot of different jobs in astrology, which is likely why it's one of the planets that rules over two zodiac signs. While Mercury's communication-focused side comes through in Gemini, its analytical inner-thinker comes forward in Virgo. Virgo is a practical earth sign, and its detail-oriented energy appreciates when things are well-organized.

As the planet of timing and scheduling, Mercury fits perfectly into this segment of the zodiac. Venus is all about romance and pleasure, so it's no surprise that this decadent planet would have enough love to share with two zodiac signs.