Horoscop urania 7 january 7 septembrie

This is a Wolf Moon, penumbral eclipse. This eclipse occurs when there is a strong showing in the sign of Capricorn, as well as a stellium involving the Sun, Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto, which are opposite the Cancer Moon.

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These bodies widely harmonize with Neptune. Jupiter is conjunct the South Node. Square Uranus, widely conjunct Mercury.

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This Moon occurs when Venus is square Mars and applying to a conjunction to Neptune. Everything is direct! Major planets on one side of the chart. Conjunct retrograde Mercury. Mercury is retrograde. The Sun has just aligned with Neptune. This Full Moon occurs when Venus has just aligned with Uranus. This New Moon forms a square to the Nodes.

All major planets are direct! Jupiter, Pluto, and Mars are aligned in Capricorn, and Venus is heading towards trine aspects to all three. Widely square Pluto and Jupiter. Venus is trine Saturn and Mars. All major planets are direct. Mercury is sextile Pluto and Jupiter. Mars has just squared Uranus. Relationship epiphanies occur now. Aligns with Uranus, sextiles the North Node, and separates from a square to Saturn. All planets direct.

Harmonizes with Saturn. Mercury and retrograde Venus have just aligned in the sign of Gemini and square Neptune at the time of the New Moon. A Honey Moon penumbral lunar eclipse. This eclipse is tightly square Mars. The Sun is conjunct retrograde Venus in Gemini. This Lunar Eclipse can have a way of bringing dysfunctional areas of our life to our strong attention! This Solar Eclipse happens in the first degree of Cancer at the time of the Summer Solstice, marking a pivotal new beginning.

Horoscopes Overview: This Year in Astrology | Cafe Astrology .com

It occurs in close proximity to the North Node. This is the final solar eclipse in a set that has occurred along the Cancer-Capricorn sign axis, with the final lunar eclipse occurring in two weeks. This set started two years ago in July The Buck Moon. This lunar eclipse occurs around the time of the Jupiter-Pluto alignment in Capricorn. Retrograde Mercury is widely conjunct the Sun.

Realizations made now are powerful. Tightly opposite Saturn.

Also opposite Jupiter and Pluto. This one occurs late in the sign and serves as a second chance to clean the slate and start fresh. The Sturgeon Moon. Venus is not only no longer retrograde—it has left its post-retrograde shadow— and we can feel wiser and luckier in love and with money.

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A focused, supported, more natural desire to move forward and forge new beginnings. This Harvest Moon is in very close harmony to Uranus. The Moon is widely conjunct to Neptune. Venus is closely opposite Saturn at the time of this lunation, and Venus is also applying to a square to Mars, complicating our needs and desires.

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Opposite Neptune, but closely partile trine Saturn. This New Moon is also trine Jupiter and Pluto. Square the Nodes. Mercury is tightly square Jupiter at the time of this lunation. Mars has just recently turned retrograde. A tense configuration as it opposes retrograde Mars and squares Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn.

This lunation forms a trine to the North Node. Venus, the ruler of this New Moon, opposes Neptune. This lunation forms a sextile to Pluto and Jupiter and Saturn , and a trine to Neptune. Mars has just turned direct. We should watch for the tendency to fall back on distancing ourselves from problems and responsibilities. However, we should also embrace new experiences or adventures. This Wolf Moon harmonizes with Uranus. However, Venus is square Neptune and conjunct the South Node, suggesting some over-attachment to outdated pleasures, connections, or things.

Also available are the Horoscope Previews and Love Horoscopes. The following are my summaries of the year ahead for each sign. Note: The following video provides shorter summaries for each sign:. There continues to be a strong focus on your career or life path goals, dear Aries, and the pressure is on! With Saturn heading out of Capricorn this year, however, and Jupiter in the sign most of , things ARE getting easier, or at the least, more pleasurable. In fact, you may very well enjoy your ambitious side, career, professional life, or managerial position far better this year.

You are doing your professional and public life quite differently, and you are capable of tremendous success. The old way of doing things is pretty much dead and buried as the year progresses.

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The extra effort will be rewarded. The year is a powerful one for your professional or public life in particular. The second half of the year asks you to pay special attention to how you communicate, connect, and present yourself. Polishing these things will go a long way towards your happiness and sense of fulfillment.

2020 Horoscope Overviews for Each Sign

Mars is your ruler, and it spends the second half of the year in your sign! This is a much longer stay than usual considering Mars typically spends about weeks in a sign. The reason for this extended visit is a retrograde cycle that occurs from September 9th to November 13th. You may second-guess certain plans, feel some decrease in motivation or confidence, or wrestle with complicated desires. Use the retrograde period to really get in touch with what motivates and drives you, and then put your plans into action when Mars is direct and approaching its regular speed in December.

Overview of 2020

This can also be a time for boosting a relationship with a sibling, classmate, or neighbor. There will be more to this story in , but for now, things are moving in the direction of more involvement and of improvement. Saturn moves into your solar eleventh house from March July 1, and then from December 17th forward for a more consistent stay.

With this transit, the emphasis is on more meaningful, streamlined, or business relationships, depending on your current situation. Financial ups and downs or uncertainties this year ultimately lead you to discover unique and creative ways to make and manage money. See also Aries Preview Horoscope.

Horoscop Urania - Emisiunea Uranissima - Zodia Leu 7 – 13 septembrie 2019

Rule-breaking Uranus continues to transit your sign, encouraging a different approach to your life. Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are challenging you to change your outlook and enrich your experiences. People are interested in what you have to say and share. Some of the heaviness of thinking, belief systems, attitudes, travel, or education is on its way out in , freeing you up to enjoy yourself more deeply. These can relate to new ideas, travels, approaches, and skills. Saturn is making its way to the top of your solar chart, and by mid-December, Jupiter will join in for an almost year-long stay.