Date of birth 17 march numerology for marriage

I was born on Please advise us is Can you help us find a perfect date to get married? My birth date is Feb. Thank you! We would like to marry in January Kindly suggest the best date. We value your suggestions. Her birthday is Oct. We are considering getting married What would the best date to get married based on our birthdays?

Best Dates to Marry Using Numerology - Astronlogia

We are thinking of a date for November , December , or Jan What is the best number for us to marry is it a 9? Is that how we are to do it? Please help as I am not sure if you want us to calculate the entire date, or just the day number. The life path is 1 on jan 14th, but there are many factors to consider in choosing a marriage date, numerology is an important factor, addition to that there are other factors astrological.

If you are in urgency and need a good date, then we can follow the numerology and finalize a good one, but if you want the ideal or the best date, then we have to consider astrological factors. Finalizing the best date for marriage involves atleast 3 to 4 hours of thorough analysis, these times i am unable to dedicate such long hours, hence i am giving only as paid consultation. Hello, I was wondering whether you could tell me what would be the best date for us to get married. We are thinking Spring or Thank you SO much for your help!

March 17 Zodiac – Full Horoscope Birthday Personality

I am not convinced with above article. Marriage is between two people and their numbers can differ. May be for one person one date suites but for other some other date suites for eg. The above concept does not hold good. Partially you are right, and thats why while fixing the marriage they choose the strongest partners better birth numbers among two favorable date to get married. Thts the law of planetary influences on humans. Sir, i really like ur blog …..

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What if my destiny number is 5 32 and his is 4 I need to change my name so that my name number comes to 5. My marriage is fixed for 03 July My birth day is on 20 May When we add the number for the marriage date we get 5. I am now in a big confusion. We cant change the dates. Could you suggest any remedy? Hoping to hear from you soon. Is this suitable? Avoid, number 5,8,7,4,2 in marriage date and life path. Number 1 and 9 are best for marriage. See in may. May 9, 27 Are good ones, April 10, 19 are also choices.

Thursday or Friday is good. We want to get married in Both our spouses have passed away, so this will be a 2nd marriage for both of us.

What is the zodiac sign of March 17?

Which date is the best for us to get married. Can we get an answer asap? Much appreciate your reply. Plan on getting married in Both end up with 6 as Destiny number. Not sure what the diff is between Destiny number and Born number. What dates should we attempt. Based on info above I came up with 6 or 9 in the date. Both bad relationships so second marriage. Wanting outside wedding on our property n Indiana next to the river.


Must b a Saturday wedding. Wat r the odds? Or can u recommend Wat we shud think dif. Is it good date to marry?

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Hello sir, i am Sathia. Have a question my fiance destiny number is a 6 while mine is a 4what date would be best for us to ge married? As a side the first time I msrried it was on the 5th…. My marriage is scheduled on Is it a suitable date for us? My date of Birth is Kindly reply. Unless i analyze your charts; i will not be able to choose or suggest. Relationship can be improved by doing the correct remedies.

For strengthening your relationship. Both should do the below given remedy. Keep fast on Mondays 2. Offer Jal to Shivling every mondays 3. Refrain from Non Veg and Alcohol diet for 43 days. Hi, I got married in 26th jan , It was the good date to get married? We are planning to get married this year on 30th Nov is this a good date for us? Please please reply as soon as possible…. Hello sir, my marriage date has been fixed on 29th Jan, Is it the suitable date for our marriage?

Please reply soon. Kindly note that 29th January is not a good day for getting married. As a matter of fact complete January there are no marriages February 05, Kindly select a another day which will promise you happy marital life.

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  4. Boys DOP is Kindly suggest best marriage date among We would like to marry in late November or early December. Thank you, Lisa. My wedding date is We are trying to conceive for the past 1. He has medical conditions of infertility. Could you please help us whether the wedding date is the reason for this and how to improve our chances of pregnancy. Depressed so much because of this in life. We literally hate life and there is no love between us because of this issue. There is always fight. Please help!! Need some light in life to proceed.

    Plz let me know about wedding date.. Why you want to know about the date now if it is good or bad, because now it cannot be altered. I suggest that if you are facing challenges in your relationship, do fasting on Mondays. Birthdays are 5. And 2.

    What are good days to get married in And what are not? Thank you so much! Thid will be so helpful for us. In the year there are many dates which are auspicious for marriage. You want to get married in or or You need to be very specific as to the year and month when you are looking for getting married, for us to help you on this front.