Aries today cafe astrology

We may be moved to express our affections. The Void of Course Moon is the period of time after the Moon has made its last aspect in one sign until the Moon enters a new sign.

This Week in Astrology | Cafe Astrology .com

During the Void of Course Moon periods, it is generally wise to stick to routine rather than to begin new projects. Void of Course in Horary Astrology: If you were asking a question and making a chart for the answer, as you do in Horary astrology, it is said that since the Moon is not looking forward to any more aspects in this sign, you would have to say that the answer is not forthcoming; any questions asked at this time would not come to pass.

The following tables incorporate the modern planets, but some astrologers do not count Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto in void Moon calculations. The Moon is waxing this week, which is generally considered favorable for new beginnings, with exceptions. See Best Time to Start a Business for more details. Caveat: The Sun enters Capricorn at AM on the 20th, and an ingress is not always an ideal time for new beginnings. See also: Astrology of Today — an overview of the day this takes you to my other site, Astrology Cafe.

This Week in Astrology Calendar: December 20 to 26, Jupiter conjunct Saturn. This alignment signals a period of constructive accomplishment.

We are practical, realistic, and our judgment is especially sound—and we derive much satisfaction from building, improving, and reforming our current structures and systems. The key to harnessing this wonderful energy on a personal level is to identify and find pleasure in the simple things that make us happy. We avoid the waste of overestimation, although some underestimation is likely and a trade-off.

Venus sesquiquadrate Mars. Potential tensions in relationships.

Cafe Astrology: Astrology Signs, Horoscopes, Love

Be wary of making impulse purchases. There is an air of competitiveness under this influence, which need not be difficult. It can be stimulating and invigorating. Venus semi-square Pluto. This influence can point to some underlying tensions in social interactions looking for an ulterior motive or an agenda, suspiciousness and relationships possible jealousies.

Feelings of jealousy and possessiveness run so close to the surface that others can almost feel the heat, and they are in direct proportion to our fear of losing something or someone dear to us. Mars square Pluto. Our desires are intense and difficult to satisfy under this influence. A tendency to bully and confront may dominate. Efforts to make changes could be thwarted, or power struggles emerge. The trick is to remain flexible and to develop strategies for achieving our goals. Passions run high, and so does sexual energy.

Mercury square Chiron. Communications may be strained, and possibly hurtful or perceived as such. Misunderstandings are more likely now. Decisions may also be hard to come by, as we tend to doubt ourselves or the effectiveness of our ability to solve problems. It can be hard to read the intention behind the words used to communicate now. Mercury trine Uranus. This is an opportune time to attend meetings and other organized group activities, to communicate online, and to take part in activities involving computers, scientific projects, and metaphysics.

Gemini Daily Horoscope

Unexpected gains may be realized through such mediums. Original, creative ideas are easy to come by. Sun square Chiron. The desire to learn and grow through experiences and through others is strong, but may be hampered by a lack of confidence or a fear of being different. We might experience a lack of faith in our own decisions.

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See below for day-by-day forecasts and planets in signs. See also Transit to Transit aspects. See also the Astrology Trends Calendar that includes these daily trend overviews and other astrological events such as ingresses, stations, and lunations. The Moon spends the day in Pisces. While this Moon transit encourages a focus on the non-material world, Mercury enters Capricorn today, and the Sun will do the same tomorrow.

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Our thinking is systematic, and our focus is sober and practical while Mercury transits Capricorn until January 8th, Our thought patterns and communication styles are more logical, orderly, and organized. Realism enters the picture, our speech is no-nonsense, and precision becomes most valuable to us. We should be wary of becoming too rigid in our thinking and coming across as cold or harsh during this cycle.

There is a sense that we can only have one or the other. The Sun enters Capricorn and will transit the sign until January 19th, Completion and accomplishment are satisfying during this Sun transit. Capricorn wants tangible results, knows what is feasible, and is most comfortable working within an established framework and known boundaries or limits.

Jupiter forms a conjunction with Saturn in the first degree of Aquarius today, symbolizing a significant new beginning. Called a Great Conjunction, a Jupiter-Saturn alignment occurs only every 20 years or so, and far less frequently in the same sign. While Jupiter-Saturn aspects often perfect three times over the course of about nine months, this one is a one-off pass. We avoid the waste of overestimation with this transit, although some underestimation is likely and a trade-off. This can be a time of stress, clashing, and discord, but also of great energy, motivation, and growth.

We can feel more ambitious and competitive. Mars is heading toward a square to Pluto, exact tomorrow. Today, Venus gets involved with these planets through minor squares. We may be tempted to manipulate or control others and situations, which can lead to unnecessary troubles. Jealousies or possessiveness can emerge. These aspects can create a tense and competitive or stimulating and invigorating environment, depending on how we approach things!

The differences in our approaches, desires, and needs seem to stand out more than our commonalities, and tensions in our relationships are likely. We might watch for impulsive moves, including purchases. The Moon spends the day in bold, impulsive Aries. A Mars-Pluto square complicates things, potentially stimulating intense desires that may not easily be satisfied. Power struggles can emerge. There may be arguments, standstills, and power games now. Attempts to gain control or power are fruitless. It would be wise to observe and learn from whatever powerful feelings arise from confrontations or conflicts.

We should try to remain flexible, perhaps devising strategies for achieving our goals rather than attempting to push them through at all costs. Later today, Mercury forms a square to Chiron, pointing to possibly strained, unnatural communications. We can be more sensitive to criticism than usual. We may doubt ourselves when solving problems or learning and expressing ourselves. Even so, a temporary dip might boost our motivation to improve.

The Taurus Moon is steady and sensible, and its trine to the Sun early afternoon encourages cooperation. This Moon stimulates our desire for comfort, warmth, and harmony. With this mind-opening aspect, we seek answers that are not the most obvious ones, and we can get to some exciting places on a mental level now. Conversations can be gently provocative, leading to new ideas and perspectives. Insights or creative ideas come suddenly, unexpectedly, and brilliantly.

Mercury also forms a creative quintile to Neptune, encouraging us to get in touch with our imaginative, compassionate side, and it can be a delightful time for communications and musings. The Mercury-Uranus trine perfects early today, and our minds are open to new ideas.