Full moon 20 january 2021 astrology

Love may just fall into place. Don't confuse what comes easily for being boring. Drama doesn't always equal passion. Circle these dates and make plans to chill, because eclipses bring drama and unexpected endings if we allow them to.

Lunar calendar by decades

We don't want you to make any sudden movements, because after so much worldwide chaos, you deserve a love life that's going strong. For the world to heal on a global level, we must all work on our individual healing. Pay attention to themes that arise for you during this time; they signal what you'll need to work on, potentially for the rest of the year. If you keep picking fights with your lover, it may be time to talk to your therapist about your communication skills. If you're online shopping to cope with anxiety from financial stress, you may want to consider creating a budget and working to diversify your coping skills.

Monthly Horoscope for January 2021

While there are no Mars retrogrades this year, there are three for Mercury. Be extra mindful during these times. Continue working towards your goals, but double-check emails and try not to sign major contracts. There is a bold full moon in your sign on Wednesday, October This is an ideal day for manifestation, so if you're looking for a date to launch a new business, confess your love, or cast a spell, this day is for you. While your blissful love life is the focus of your attention for most of this year, you experience movement around money on Sunday, December 19 , when Venus goes retrograde in hardworking Capricorn in your 10th house, which rules your career.

Usually, when people hear about Venus going retrograde, they worry it will negatively affect your love life. This round, Aries, your focus will be reevaluating how you make a living. Many of us had to shift financial plans around due to COVID, so just see this as responsible par for the course. In the world will keep turning, and hopefully, some of the mess made in will start to be cleaned up.

It won't be easy, but change will come; it is the only constant. Your job is to focus on being the best version of you, because if you lay off the temper tantrums, promises a romance for the books. Find Sophie on Instagram and Twitter. Keywords aries zodiac horoscope wellness spirit astrology love sex career aries horoscope money allure astrology horoscopes zodiac sign zodiac signs. The last thing of importance to note this month will be a Full Moon in your communications sector that takes place on the 28th. Ironically, this sphere often brings forth contracts or negotiations, but beware that some of the details may be foggy with the retrograde approaching.

This could also see some Geminis launching a significant writing, speaking, advertising, or marketing initiative to great luck and success. Last month, both Saturn and Jupiter entered into your intimacy sector for the first time in many years. Jupiter, however, will balance this energy out to assure that you can heal any relationship traumas that may have scarred you. If single, you can find someone who fulfills you in all ways. With these two planets merging their strength, they will be setting the tone for you for two decades to come—meaning that you will certainly leave any significant relationships that do not truly fulfill you, but you will be sure to find the most rewarding ones of your lifetime afterward.

Those who are happily connected will only grow closer, uniting your souls more deeply than ever before.

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Another important transit to note this month is when mighty Mars will skyrocket into your social sector on the 6th for the two months to come. This will assure that you will hear from many friends and acquaintances in the weeks ahead and could attend some wonderful events. Spectacular Venus will dash into your relationship sector on the 8th for the rest of the month, bringing harmony and happiness to all of your partnerships.

Make romance a priority if you are taken and you will grow ever closer. If single, use this time to look for someone with long-term potential. With the New Moon in this same sector appearing on the 13th, this is a great time to make plans, move in, or even discuss getting engaged. Business partnerships can also be spotlit by this energy, and if you are signing contracts, be sure to do so as soon as you can as our planet of communications is slowing down and will go retrograde at the end of the month.

To end January, a roaring Full Moon in your financial sector will appear on the 28th. This luminary may bring a raise, lucrative new client, or a better paying job. While there is a possibility an income stream could end, it is likely a new one would manifest if you hunt for it now.

No matter what, welcome in abundance if you can. Prance on into , Leo. Saturn, the planet of life lessons, moved directly across the sky from you last month, as did Jupiter, the giver of luck and fortune. On one hand, this may make you feel a bit lonelier, strip away weak relationships from you, and make it harder for you to reach some of your heartfelt goals, but in essence, he is making you stronger than ever before.

In the years ahead, you will be like steel forged through fire. Trust that you have all the power you need already inside of you. Saturn will force you to strengthen the relationships that are meant to be in your life—and any that come into your radar in the years ahead will be destined to stay there.

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Yet, the absolute saving grace for you is that Jupiter, planet of miracles, dances side-by-side Saturn to bring you blessings in partnerships, too. For the coming twenty years all Leos will find that important partnerships become the center of their life. Single Leos will find their perfect partner and begin a life together during that time, evolving on an entirely new chapter. Committed Leos could grow closer than ever before with their significant other or else find other partners—such as collaborators, business associates, and beyond who lift them to new heights.

Do not fear, Leo. The Universe is perfect in its design and will assure you find and are with your perfect mirror. Another area to note this month is your career. Fiery Mars will ignite your professional goals from the 6th onward for two months. This assures that you will be quite busy with your job and launching to new heights. If you work hard now, you could smash your objectives and get the year off to an epic start.

Awards, promotions, publicity, or even fame could manifest if you have been charging ahead for quite some time. Venus, planet of harmony, will dance on into your employment sector on the 8th and a New Moon will appear here on the 13th. This means that you could find a new job if looking or suddenly be taking on more projects from your current employer. If freelance, you are likely to take on at least one important assignment.

When electric Uranus awakens on the 14th in your achievements sector, too, this may suddenly move forward a major project that had been delayed for several months. However, if contracts or negotiations are needed, try to wrap them up rapidly as Mercury will go retrograde at the end of the month in your sector of partnerships. This means that miscommunication and confusion with associates could begin as early as mid-month.

The mighty Sun will move into your relationship sector on the 19th for the weeks ahead, adding further focus to your unions. Your wants and needs will become especially apparent in your consciousness. The end the month, though, will bring a major culmination for you, as there will be a Full Moon in your zodiac sign on the 28th. This will put you front-and-center and could show you that a significant personal goal is now within reach. All eyes will be on you now, so use your power to assert yourself.

New Moon in January , New Moon in Capricorn 23°13’, January 13 | chssa.dsea.org

Last month, Saturn and Jupiter moved into your productivity zone. With Saturn taking up residence here until , your work life will become busier and more intense than ever before. Some Virgos could be forced out of jobs or quit to pursue things that make them happier. Another way Saturn may focus your tutelage is around your health and physical fitness.

You are going to receive important life lessons around at least one of these areas. However, your saving grace will be that Jupiter, planet of miracles, also embarks on a journey through this same area. This will be to bring happiness, opportunities, and fortune to all of these areas of life. So, as you may initially groan, you are being protected by a guardian angel.

These two planets are merging their power to set the tone for the coming two decades ahead. You will have a tremendously busy twenty years ahead, but you will also thrive. Another aspect to note is that mighty Mars will enter your sector of expansion on the 6th for the two months ahead.

This will ignite the itch to launch into new territories and to spice up your life. Some Virgos could become quite busy with an academics, media, publishing, travelling, or immigration endeavor. Another theme this month will be on matters of the heart, as the Sun, Venus, and New Moon will move through your sector of passion.

Romance, love, creativity, and fertility will be sweet.

Horoscopes by Jamie Partridge

Use the days following the New Moon on the 13th to line up dates with potential options if single or bring back the lightning in your relationship if taken. If a creative, this is a great time to set aside moments for inspiration. Last, if pursuing pregnancy, you could have an edge now. Next to note is that your ruler, Mercury, will begin to slow down mid-month as it is approaching a retrograde that will begin at the end of January.

Try to tie up contractual matters as soon as you can. It will back peddle in your sector of work, so you will assuredly see some delays and miscommunication there. Last to note in January will be a potent Full Moon on the 28th.

This luminary falls within your sector of rest and privacy and will encourage you to recharge and enjoy some TLC. Schedule a spa day. Saturn and Jupiter moseyed on into your sector of fertility, passion, creativity, and love and took up newfound residence there last month. Until , Saturn will be giving you life lessons surrounding all of these areas.