Aquarius january 21 compatibility

That's not to say that Aquarians are unfaithful or not loyal.

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That's not true! But an Aquarian needs room to breathe, whether that's time hanging out with new friends without you or going on the occasional solo adventure to recharge. While it may be tempting to react to an Aquarius' tendency to wander by tightening your grip, resist that urge: the more freedom you give an Aquarius, the more loyal they're like to feel. What is Aquarius compatible with in terms of physical passion, communication, friendship and overall compatibility? The table below gives you the full rundown:. These signs tend to be curious and intellectual, which makes them great matches for Aquarians.

When two Aquarians pair up, they make fast friends. Having so many shared traits gives them plenty of interests to bond over. A couple of Aquarians will have plenty to talk about and will bond over their passion for social justice--a shared interest that may propel this couple into activism and other humanitarian efforts side by side. Where this match up gets tough is in the intimacy department. It can be easy for two Aquarians to try to hide the elephant in the room their emotions with passionate discussions about every issue but their own.

It will take hard work and mutual commitment to bulldoze through the barriers in this relationship, but if both Aquarians are willing to, the relationship they'll find on the other side will be one built on solid ground. Gemini and Aquarius are two Air signs whose carefree spirits and merry natures create a strong initial attraction. These two will have plenty to talk about as they're both interested in a wide range of cultural topics, and they both love to analyze the world around them.

Where this couple goes, conversation definitely follows.

Where this pair might struggle is when the honeymoon phase of the relationship fades. Whether Gemini and Aquarius will be able to survive the relationship's pivot to the real-and-raw will depend on their willingness to be totally truthful, even when it hurts. Another pair of Air signs, Libra and Aquarius make a playful match who both delight in a room filled with hundreds of their "closest friends.

This pair is also slow to anger and generally able to keep things lighthearted. A healthy relationship between an Aquarius and a Libra is filled with laughter and fun. When things do get a bit rocky, it probably has something to do with intimacy. Libra is naturally more passionate than aloof Aquarius, so these two will have to set aside their tendency to tiptoe around emotions. Instead, they need to hash out their wants and needs openly and honestly. If they do, then they're set for a life of happiness!

Sagittarius and Aquarius share a lust for life that sparks an instant attraction. Both signs are comfortable with letting the other maintain their independence, and they appreciate not having to fight for their freedom in the relationship. Because Sagittarius and Aquarius are willing to be open with one another, they'll find their lives are filled with curiosity and wonder. But the dark side of this anything-goes arrangement is that both Sag and Aquarius are commitment phobic. You'll often see this pair in very long-term relationships, but they hesitate to put a label on anything.

This can come from a fear of the mundane, not from an inability to love on another! If Sagittarians and Aquarians understand that their unwillingness to commit comes from a deep respect for the other person's independence, then their relationship will thrive. In order for Aquarians to get along with Aries, Leos, Virgos, and Scorpios, they'll have to find balance and compromise. These four star signs possess some traits that are a good match for Aquarius Aries and Aquarius have a similar sense of humor, knack for witty banter, and independent nature.

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Aries' fiery personality is a good match for Aquarius' own love of wit and debate. These two signs love to passionately defend their ideas, so don't be surprised if every conversation turns into a good natured back-and-forth! These star signs vibe more as partners-in-crime than long term lovers, though. Aquarius won't know how to respond to Aries' occasional brooding, and Aries won't respond positively to Aquarius' attempts to logic Aries' bad moods away. Aries' over-the-top shows of affection may overwhelm Aquarius as well, since they're more guarded in their affection.

For this pairing to work out beyond a superficial connection, both signs will have to pursue similar interests and commit to understanding and meeting each other's emotional needs. Aquarius and Leo are opposite signs, with Leo seeking to be the center of attention and Aquarius often giving attention to everyone equally. But because this couple loves people and loves to be around people , they can actually have a great relationship! Both will embrace the others' friends, and having a home filled with people they love will bring both Leo and Aquarius tons of joy.

But these signs have to be careful that in being around people, they aren't neglecting each other. Leo is susceptible to jealousy and may initiate petty fights in response to Aquarius's breezy, unconcerned attitude toward their relationship. If Leo overdoes it in the affection department, Aquarius will step back, causing emotional outbursts from Leo.

Aquarius (astrology) - Wikipedia

A Leo-Aquarius pairing works best if they can learn to share the spotlight and keep their tempers in check. An Aquarius-Virgo couple shares a passion for helping others. These partners and friends often meet through volunteer projects or activism! Because they have huge hearts, they can make excellent partners for one another as they help each other fight for social justice, equality, and fairness. On the other hand, these star signs possess totally different energies.

Virgo is more serious and grounded than wandering, carefree Aquarius. Virgo will have to resist urges to nitpick at an Aquarius' sometimes sloppy ways and make an effort to show interest in an Aquarius' long list of friends. However, Virgo can teach Aquarius a thing or two about responsibility, and Aquarius can help Virgo lighten up. If these two can channel their energies into a shared project with Virgo handling the minutiae and Aquarius taking on the big picture, of course , they have a strong chance of balancing each other's weaknesses and forming a strong bond.

At first glance, a Scorpio-Aquarius couple may seem fairly odd, with Scorpio's somewhat dark, alluring personality standing in contrast to class-clown Aquarius.

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But it's exactly that dark and mysterious personality that an Aquarius can't resist! They love to unravel puzzles, and an Aquarius can't resist trying to understand a Scorpio's broodiness.

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There are some things to watch out for in this pairing, though. Scorpio can be a bit austere and controlling and may bristle at Aquarius' social wanderlust. Likewise, an Aquarius will have to make some concessions as well, since Scorpios tend to be a bit more possessive and inflexible. What makes this pairing work is the mutual feeling that the other partner is endlessly complex. Under these circumstances, an Aquarius-Scorpio couple won't tire of each other easily. When an Aquarius is in a relationship with one of these signs, they may spend more time fighting than getting along.

Four star signs are known for having low Aquarius compatibility. These signs are Pisces , Taurus , Cancer , and Capricorn. Pisces and Aquarius have a heart for the people, but short of a shared dedication to serving others, this match is mostly trouble. Pisces is more emotionally complex than Aquarius is willing to accommodate, and Aquarians' chilly, impassive demeanor can make Pisces feel insecure. The born-to-be-free Air sign will only put in so much work to keep an emotional, sometimes possessive Pisces happy. In the end, these opposites may be better apart. Taurus and Aquarius are destined for conflict: Taurus is notoriously old-fashioned, conventional, and strong willed An Aquarius will find Taurus' obsession with staying home tedious, and Taurus will turn up their nose at Aquarius's bohemian lifestyle.

The more Aquarius resists Taurus' efforts to get them to settle down, the more possessive Taurus will become. Together, these two will end up pushing the other away. Cancer and Aquarius give and receive love in different ways, which can lead to misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Cancer is highly nurturing and physically affectionate, which an Aquarius will find gushy and invasive.

If an Aquarius tries to pull away, a Cancer will take it personally.

Compatibility of Sun Signs

Cancer's hurt feelings will be exacerbated by Aquarius's inability to offer verbal expressions of love and affection. When this pairing works, it's because Cancer is able to empathize with Aquarius's natural disposition, and Aquarius is willing to put forth the effort to speak Cancer's love language. Without these compromises, a Cancer-Aquarius couple will struggle to make it through. Capricorn and Aquarius are the well-known opposites of the zodiac: Cap is the traditionalist, and Aquarius is the rebel. Whereas Capricorn's values and principles are firmly rooted in history, Aquarius is looking toward the horizon, determined to carve out new ways of living.

With drastically different dispositions toward morality, physical intimacy Capricorn runs hot, while Aquarius tends to run cold, and social relationships, Aquarius and Capricorn can't find much common ground. Let's sum up what all this compatibility analysis means for Aquarians in relationships. There are three main takeaways that Aquarians can keep in mind when looking for love. Don't worry that your relationship with a supposedly incompatible sign is destined to fail. Your sign is just a way to understand your personality, but it isn't the only part of who you are! Instead, use what you've learned about some of the typical Aquarian traits to keep yourself in check when you feel yourself resisting intimacy or concealing your true self.

Remember that patience is a virtue! An Aquarius' wandering spirit and large social circle can mean that you move on too fast.

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Star signs that tend toward the more conventional can make great friends and partners Staying open-minded and being willing to grow with a partner is sometimes the right path. Aquarians love adventure, so don't be afraid to think of your relationships as an adventurous journey!

This will help you navigate the ups and downs that come from being connected to others.