Libra february 2021 horoscope diana garland

Atatiana Jefferson. Aura Rosser. Stephon Clark. Botham Jean. Philando Castille. Alton Sterling. Michelle Cusseaux. Freddie Gray. Janisha Fonville. Eric Garner.

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Akai Gurley. Gabriella Navarez. Tamir Rice. Michael Brown. Tanisha Anderson. If you donate, send me a screenshot of your donation, and I will add it to our collective tally. Astrology Reading. To fully understand the impact of the year from an astrological perspective it is important to take into consideration the planet Mars. At home in the sign of Aries for the entire second half of , we are gifted the opportunity to get intimate with this fiery planet of action.

Learn how Mars encourages us both as individuals and in the collective to evolve through the shadow manifestations of violence, aggression and war — and into the higher attributes of courage, self-realization, and radical love. In my own practice, I refer to Mars as the planet of Divine Ambition. During our time, you will discover how to utilize the energy of Mars to harness your cardinal birth rights.

Mars is here as an ally to empower us to show up as individuals to this life — bigger, bolder, and more aligned with our innate capacity to create new life in alignment with the evolution of our planet.

There have been massive opportunities for karmic release over the past year and half around Cancer and Capricorn themes. This New Moon acts as a moment to reflect on these transitions as we pass the threshold of this final Cancerian release. Whatever upgrades and shifts you've experienced in your life begin to settle into place. Now is a time for processing the changes occurring in your life and in the collective. Allow whatever emotions want to arise to surface.

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Imagine them like waves swelling upon the shore. From an esoteric perspective, the tarot year card for the year is the Emperor — Aries Soul Growth. The Emperor and Mars remind us to acknowledge the harm of our brutal past and to educate ourselves in areas of social justice as we move forward.

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The Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse this weekend is special, as it is the last Eclipse of a series in the sign of Cancer — fateful realignments with home and family. Butterflies are often used at memorials and funerals to commemorate the passing of a loved one. On this Cancer New Moon, feel into the invitation of coming Home to yourself, while also sensing into the initiation of fateful realignments with the Gemini North Node.

During Gemini Season we become very conscious of contradictions within our immediate surroundings. The Sagittarius Full Moon seeks to balance the duality of Gemini by expanding our perception of reality to include the entire global stratosphere through collective vision.

What started out as a protest in the Twin Cities Gemini the twins has now sparked a revolution around the world Sagittarius the world traveler. So far, all 50 states plus 18 countries have participated in the 'Black Lives Matter' protests making it the largest Civil Rights Movement in the world to date. This invites us back to themes of this time period. For instance, the United States' police force acquired military grade equipment because of the terrorist attacks of Now, we are revisiting this theme, with much discussion around how arming our police with more powerful weapons has led to more violence against Americans.

As the first Sagittarius Eclipse in a series, this eclipse offers us a clue into the themes that will carry us through Fateful realignments occur along the Sagittarius-Gemini axis. This shifts the "usual" invitation of the Sagittarius Full Moon. Instead of a focus on the big picture vision, it indicates a major opportunity to release outdated Sagittarian energy.

With the South Node in Sagittarius, we may experience a pull toward the shadow of this archetype. Sagittarius in a lower form can be heated, argumentative, and ignorant to other's world views. We may experience individuals exuding low-form Sagittarian traits at this time especially during the Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse. We can expect aggressive tendencies, restlessness, erratic behavior, and even violence.

We may exude these qualities within ourself, so be mindful of anger. If you feel your blood boiling, come back to mindfulness through your breath within your immediate surroundings. Sagittarius rules over religion, philosophy, and higher education. Many people may be falling into outdated dogmatic religious and world views, while we also have the opportunity to clear out old limiting beliefs around these themes.

If you are coming from a religious perspective, do not push your agenda. Now is not the time to preach. If you have received an education from an institution of "higher learning", how are you utilizing your degrees to further advance your neighborhood and immediate surrounding toward greater social understanding and intellect?

Sagittarius, the archer, is optimistic and idealistic, aiming its arrow toward a uniting philosophical or spiritual goal. However, the Sagittarius South Node indicates a heavy pull toward blind idealism and "spiritual bypassing". This can be problematic as it does not address the facts presented within one's own immediate surroundings. I have witnessed this lower form Sagittarian trait by observing white New Age spiritualist posting pictures of themselves at a waterfall with their crystals, while in reality the world around us is showing up to protest racial discrimination and police brutality for social change.

Sagittarius is connected to world travel and global affairs. With a global pandemic as a backdrop to global riots, we may also find new information or evolutions reveal itself in relationship to Covid With the South Node in Sagittarius, we also can expect major changes and releases with global affairs and travel. On a very literal level, the Sagittarius South Node indicates little to no world or longterm travel, with an emphasis toward short-term immediate travel Gemini.

Perhaps the Sagittarius South Node will finally encourage us to release outdated energy we have as a collective toward air pollution and frivolous travel? Using July 4, at pm as the birth time, this makes the U. As a nation the U. S is encouraged in a fateful direction toward radical change Uranus and activism Mars , particularly as it relates to duality Gemini and the Other 7th House. This duality is reflected in issues arising around racial divides, political party lines, and socialism vs. The goal of Gemini is to build bridges between duality through change.

Gemini Decan 2 ~ General Meaning

The United States does this through collaboration and partnership. Interestingly enough, the United States' president Donald Trump has major energy along this astrological axis. Donald Trump is a Gemini Sun with a Sagittarius Moon, indicating a year and a half of major eclipse change for the Nation's 45th President. The eclipse this December indicates the culmination of a deep karmic release for the president such as an impeachment and for the Nation's people.

This eclipse season offer clues around changes in leadership in the United States. For the U. This encourages white people to listen to the view points of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. For those individuals who have experienced discrimination because of racism, the Gemini North Node encourages you to speak up, to write and share your point of view. For those individuals who have not, the Gemini North Node asks you to acknowledge this through reading, journaling, discussion, education, and learning. This type of aspect is considered to be full of tension, with the potential for a major breakthrough.

All three of these planets are Mutable signs, indicating change and adaptability. Mars is the planet of Divine Action and rules over activism, physical activity, and ambition. Pisces is the sign of Universal Compassion, peace, and the end of karmic cycles. As a Collective Water sign, Pisces connects us to the emotions of groups of people.

We feel this reflected in the peaceful protesting taking place Pisces Mars , while also a deep well of emotion that has been building for centuries is coming to a head. The information we are receiving around duality Gemini Sun is coming up to a stand off with the action we are ready to take for karmic release and peace. A sudden spark of realization, the great fires of change, the deeper desire for a more expansive uniting vision Sagittarius Eclipse forms tension with the deeply emotional and spiritual warrior energy of the Pisces Moon.

With the North Node in Gemini, this is the direction we are heading for evolution over the next year and a half.