Libra weekly astrology forecast january 19 2021 michele knight

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Libra December Monthly Horoscope 2020 GAME CHANGER!

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Astrology Forecast

Enter the local time on the clock when you were born, do not adjust for summer time. Click 'Time Unknown' if you do not know your time of birth. Time Unknown. Minor Outlying Islands U. City of birth enter at least the first three letters of your city and then select from the list :. Optional: Enter your email address here to join Michele's email list AND have your report emailed straight to you.

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Yearly Horoscope - Life Changing Events | Michele Knight

Loads of psychic tarot readings available FREE online. View free readings. How can you not have the Capital of Canada, on your list? Ottawa, Canada. Newsletter keep up to date with the latest offers and information from Michele New! Feelgood in the form of Jupiter is IN and offering solutions. Yoga, pilates, meditation, your doctor, physiotherapist, psychotherapists, personal trainers, structured exercise regimens and diets which support your body feature.

As could simply getting rid of anything that drain you from clutter to that tired old routine or even people. Shed it and feed your soul instead! Especially if of love you have neglected to treat your body like the Golden Temple that it is and a fast food outlet instead. Seizing that opportunity could involve stretching to sign up for the course to upskill or return to education or applying for that better, more exciting job.

Whatever excites you feeds and nourishes now. Take wellbeing seriously.

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  • New! Unique To You Free Yearly Astrology Forecast for 2021.

Saturn is probably the most beautiful planet in our solar system. Despite its sheer unbelievable shimmering ringed beauty however, Saturn is still regarded with dread by many astrologers. Saturn puts a ring on it. And by that I mean sets restrictions.

But if we work within this, Saturn rewards like no other planet. Not even Jupiter. Saturn asks we take the area of our charts it is spending 2. In your case from March 22 this is your 7 th of partnerships, long term loves and opposite numbers of all descriptions. Get serious about what you want. And this includes also consciously uncoupling if something is no longer working for you. So, for many of you, this will be the first time you have experienced Saturn in your house of long term relating.

Some of you will therefore take your present relationship to the next level — becoming engaged, married or moving in together.

The week ahead for libra

Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn. The sign of the mountain goat who climbs high. Business partnerships are therefore favoured with Saturn in here if you are both serious about what you want to achieve. Like mountaineers roped to one another you can scale the heights — and help one another over the crevasses. Singles could attract someone who has serious long-term potential and who makes your heart burst with pride. Ambitious, hard-working and likely to be established in what they do or else marked for success.

They could even have their own business. They may dress conservatively for business but this covers the soul of a rock star and a killer sense of humour. Deeply sensual, they enjoy the good things of life. They may not be keen on the latest trendy restaurant but instead prefer established venues with an excellent reputation.

If they are wooing you, they give high quality, traditional gifts — flowers, perfume or cologne, jewellery. If you are wooing them — well, now you know. When they get to know your individual preferences, expect them to put a lot of time and thought into gifts which will always be understated expensive.

They value quality over quantity. They are looking for something serious. Are you it? We have two unusual retrogrades occurring this year aside from the usual Mercury mayhem we know to expect three times a year. Venus in your 11 th is almost always about the friendship kind of love and experiencing the generosity of friends rather than romance.

No matter what house Venus retrogrades in, when it does I should not need to remind you that this is not the time to embark on a new love affair. Venus retro in your 11 th from May 13 means that if you do, you will probably see it de-evolve into just a friendship once Venus heads direct again from June This is a fabulous time to revive old connections, return to old haunts you love and also reinfuse goals with fresh meaning. Also be aware that just prior to Venus moving forward, we have an eclipse occurring in your 12 th house on June 21 which makes a challenging aspect to Saturn in your 7 th.

This could mean there is something you do not yet know about a partner, potential partner, business partner or long-term friend. But you will eventually as this is an annular eclipse.

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  5. In other words, a flash of intuition or insight into someone or a situation. Please take this seriously. The second rare retro occurs in your 9 th of long-distance travel, big business, the law, higher learning, opportunities and freedom. Mars in its ruling sign of Aries retrogrades from Sept 10 until Nov Simply put, you may not want to push forward with big plans, feel that areas of your life are at a standstill or be simply mired in the Mehs.

    All about libra

    If you are travelling or doing business overseas, expect delays and also take care when visiting places you do not know or in entering agreements with people you have not done business with before. That overseas love interest may also not be what they seem. Are they telling you they are stranded in Timbuktu with no cash? Take it they are sitting at a computer in Russia. What is this retro good for?